Sunday, June 16, 2013


So, while browsing a vegan site, I stumbled upon multivitamins.

I used to take these chewable kids multivitamin from an online retailer, Melaleuca. They sold adult multivitamins, but they were like horse pills for me. I only started to swallow pills about 5 years ago, and even now, I still have a tough time swallowing even the tiniest of pills (like my birth control). Which is why I went with their chewable kids version. The bottle came with 120 tablets and sold for $20 (add in shipping and tax and it was costing me nearly $30 each time). For adults, it's directed to take 4 tablets a day, but I was only taking 2, right before bed. So, instead of lasting me one month, each bottle lasted me 2 months.

And then I found Deva: a vegan multivitamin. Although it wasn't chewable, I found a "tiny tablets" version. Each bottle contained 90 tablets and it's directed to just take one tablet a day. The price tag? ~$6 (depending where you buy). This instantly piqued my interest as this would cost me more than a quarter of the price compared to my old ones, and would last one month longer!

So, at the end of April, I ordered a bottle from As soon as I finished up my previous bottle of vitamins, I began to take these new ones. The directions were a little different than my last ones as it was suggested to take these with a meal. So, I began taking them with my breakfast each morning.

Before buying them, I compared the supplement facts between the two vitamins. In pretty much all aspects (except for just one or two), these new Deva vitamins packed more of a punch:

Old vitamin supplemental facts here (click on the 'product label' tab)
New vitamin supplemental facts here (scroll down a bit)

So, I was more than happy with these new vitamins: much cheaper, lasted longer per bottle, had a higher serving for most vitamins. Win, win, win! The only downside is that they're not chewable. But, compared to the horse pills of vitamins I tried years ago, these are very manageable. And although they're not cherry-flavored like my previous ones, they don't taste too horrible, especially if you can swallow the pill quickly.

Deva Tiny Tablets Multivitamin
Pill is pictured here, next to a quarter I found, along with the bottle

To end: I don't know if it's because of these new vitamins or something else (like switching from cow's milk to almond milk), but I've noticed that my nails have gotten a lot stronger, as well as shinier (as if I have a layer of clear nail polish on). Whatever the reason, I'm definitely liking it! :)

Couple places you can buy these Deva Tiny Tablets Multivitamin:


So, what multivitamins do YOU take, if at all?


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